
Office ideas and solutions at OfficeUp 2018!

We attended as design exhibitor on the first Office Up office trends conference where we focused on the importance of the workplace ecosystem and presenting the latest office solutions on 20thFebruary!

Today, workplaces play an increasingly important role in the life of companies and workers as a physical space. More and more aspects need to be met. (organizational, human, trend, cultural, sociological, etc.) The concept of a flexible workplace is an ecosystem of spaces which adapt and develop from time to time, optimizing space utilization while promoting a higher level of employee commitment.

People at the workplace need to focus, collaborate, recharge, socialize and develop at the same time. There is no space of the type that would effectively support that different needs of individuals and groups at the same time. The working space should be designed as an ecosystem of interconnected zones, which includes destinations where people have the opportunity to influence where and how they work.


Thanks to Steelcase’s ongoing research, we can help with designing to create a flexible and efficient space tailored to organizations’ operations beside taking into account the latest trends.


At the OfficeUP conference, we presented this ecosystem as a design exhibitor with our latest furniture and commercial flooring solutions.


Designer: Luca Hisnyai-Heinzelmann

Professional Partner: Steelcase

Furniture: Steelcase furniture

Flooring: shaw contract

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